Beginnings are lovely. Starting something new can be exciting and provide opportunities for change, but saying welcome to the new frequently means saying goodbye to the familiar.
• You say farewell to one city when you relocate to a new one.
• You may need to rearrange your schedule and say goodbye to something else when you start a new class.
• You'll bid farewell to your previous job when you begin a new one.
You may be saying goodbye to someone, something, or the familiarity of who you were previously when you say welcome to a new habit, relationship, city, or whole new way of life. Beginnings become joyful, terrible, exciting, and unsure all at once as a result of this. To escape the farewells, you could focus on all of the newness, but you'd miss out on appreciating the best parts of what came before. You can bring your loves and lessons into your new beginning by appreciating both the joy and the grief.

However, we cannot deny that with the raging pandemic, we all have different definitions of beginnings and endings. Some endings we could never anticipate, yet our worlds changed drastically when they happened. But there were also some beginnings that we never thought would be possible, given the situation, yet they did.
You may initiate some of life's starts and endings, but many happen on their own timetable, whether you're ready or not.
How To Embrace New Beginnings And Endings

1. Be Open
You may not be ready for a change, but when the time comes, it comes. Allow yourself to let go of the impulse to cling to the past or to exert control over the future. It's almost always out of your control. Instead, simply be willing to let things happen as they will.

2. Notice Small Changes
There aren't always black and white beginnings and endings. Small changes in your relationships and at work should be noted. You can definitely observe tiny beginnings and endings all the time if you pay attention. Allow them to assist you with the more difficult issues.

3. Beginner's Mind
Don't try to do the new in the same way that you did the old. Rather, be intrigued. Make a request for assistance. Acknowledge that you have no idea what you're doing. Laugh and enjoy the experience.

4. Feel Your Feelings
Own it if you miss what was or if you're uneasy with change. Make a story out of it. Tell a friend about it. All of those feelings, as well as the energy that surrounds your beginnings and endings, are genuine. It's crucial, and you must include it in your story.

5. Pause
You can't halt time, but you can create space to pause, access, or relax before continuing. Take an adult time-out to discover the power of the pause.