When it comes to mental health, it is a well-known fact that your environment can have a deep impact on you feel and perceive yourself. Now, this environment is not only restricted to your immediate surroundings, but even nature as a whole plays a vital role in your mental wellness. According to Ms Mehezabin Dordi, clinical psychologist, rehabilitation and sports medicine department, Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital, Mumbai, “Nature and our environment are good for our physical health and cognitive functioning, according to a large body of studies. Time spent in nature has been demonstrated to lower blood pressure and stress hormone levels, reduce nervous system excitation, improve immune system function, boost self-esteem, reduce anxiety, and improve mood in studies. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD; wherein the individual is unable to focus on one thing for too long), and hostility are reduced, which aids in the healing process. It also reduces feelings of loneliness, increases calmness, and improves mood.”
So the question does arise: can opting for environmentally friendly practices aid in your mental well-being? Ms Dordi says yes, it can. “To live a healthy and happy life, we must incorporate mental wellness practises into our daily routine. When it comes to bettering our mental health, practising sustainability and being green has a significant cognitive impact,” she says.
Some benefits of going green for improved mental health include:
1. Mindfulness
Mindfulness develops when you live a sustainable lifestyle. You become more conscious of the impact your actions have on your mood and emotions as you examine the environmental impact of your daily activities. You concentrate more and ruminate less.
2. Physical Health
By riding to work instead of driving, you can reduce your carbon footprint while also reducing stress, improving your mood, and improving your sleep quality, by getting that much needed physical activity. Shovelling and weeding are two physical duties that come with growing your own food. This can raise your mood by increasing the production of serotonin, a chemical that antidepressants target.
3. Purpose
As you work toward a higher purpose, having a goal to protect the Earth can increase your confidence and self-worth. Spreading environmental awareness and practising sustainable behaviours can make you feel accomplished. You also become a member of a socially supportive, environmentally conscientious community. This improves your view on life and lowers the symptoms of depression, as you feel less lonely.
In order to deal with the stress of the environment on your mental health, Ms Dordi suggests the following coping strategies:
1. Emotion-Focused Coping Strategies
Emotion-coping tactics are attempts to reduce or change the negative emotions that accompany stress. Meditation and distraction are some examples. Taking a moment to meditate and centre one's thoughts has proven to be incredibly beneficial. Emotion-coping strategies might help us rationalise the stress we feel when the stressor is beyond our control. These skills might help us rationalise our stress by using optimistic comparisons (‘it could be worse') or distracting us from worrying about the problem.
2. Problem-Focused Coping Strategies
Problem-focused methods are most beneficial when the problem is immediately controllable, at least in part. The process can be broken down into several steps: identify the problem, consider options, identify the benefits and drawbacks of each option, and make a decision based on the aforementioned factors, taking into account the consequences of the decision.
In Conclusion…
Working towards your mental well-being in challenging times such as this coronavirus pandemic can be a task, but sustainable practices can help in bringing clarity and peace of mind. Ms Dordi reiterates, “In such a grave situation, as we are currently experiencing during the pandemic (and the growing climate issues), when isolation and stress are commonplace, even the slightest attempts to promote sustainability within your own personal surroundings are a step toward a healthier living space and a healthier frame of mind.”