Mahatma Gandhi once famously said, “There’s more to life than increasing its speed.” And we definitely think he was onto something. Don’t you? Today, most of us live fast-paced lives, constantly attempting to strike a balance between the personal and professional.. We tend to spend hours, days, months, and even years in the pursuit of our goals. And while there’s nothing wrong with reaching for greatness, the pursuit is not without its fair share of venting or lamenting.
But what if there was a way to slow down, and still be able to live out the life you planned for yourself? Enter ‘Slow Living’, a concept that translates into slowing down and taking time to enjoy every moment of your life. It requires you to live, observe, and interact in a more mindful manner. You have to focus on the now, rather than the past or the future, acknowledge how you feel, and face your feelings so they don’t eventually build up and stress you out. It helps you feel a sense of purpose as you become more in sync with the things you do or see around you.
Some benefits of slow living are:
1. Less stress, more patience

When you’re rushing through things such as your daily tasks and chores, it tends to get stressful and can make you feel anxious. Similarly, if things take time or don’t get done the way you want them to, it can lead to impatience. However, when you slow down and take stock of things, you’ll find yourself being less worried as you compose your thoughts and actions, and have more patience to deal with things that come your way. The key here is practicing mindfulness, a concept where you focus on being in the moment, rather than dwelling on the past or future.
2. Improved relationships

In the hustle and bustle of our hectic lives, it is often our loved ones who are easily neglected. When you start living a slower life, it gives you the time to connect and nurture your bonds with those around you. This goes a long way in helping you improve and maintain healthy relationships.
3. More time

Fast-paced lives often mean no time to do things you love, and spending quality time with loved ones can seem like a luxury you can’t afford. When you start slowing down, you start to prioritise things that add meaning to your life, and may even realise that things you once gave prime importance to can wait. Moreover, with this realisation, you’ll see that things don’t have to be rushed, and leisure activities are very much a possibility.
4. Health is wealth

Once you start doing things yourself–cooking meals from scratch, walking down to the store instead of having them delivered--you’ll start to feel healthier. An active body always makes for a fitter you, and slow living means you’ll prioritise your health and fitness over convenience, and begin incorporating healthy habits into your routine.
5. Acceptance and gratitude

As you slow down, you’ll become more accepting of situations and things, especially those which are out of your control. You’ll also notice how the small steps you take to achieve your goals are equally important, and help you remain that much more focused, and far more grateful.