An ash gourd juice is a popular summer beverage that serves the purpose of health and taste together. It is low in calories and high in fibre and water content, making it the first choice of fitness freaks. The benefits of ash gourd juice stay the same: Ash gourd, winter melon, Chinese watermelon or white gourd - no matter what it might be called. It is a tender vine with shiny white skin cultivated in native countries of Southeast Asia, including India, China, Myanmar, Malaysia, Japan and Indonesia.
Ash gourd is a common ingredient in Indian cuisines. It adds nutrition to curries, soups, salads, stews and desserts, especially Agra ka petha - a traditional North Indian sweet. Let’s move further to discuss the nutritional values, how to make ash gourd juice and benefits of ash gourd juice.
Nutritional Value of Ash Gourd Juice
Ash gourd juice is loaded with flavonoids, fibres, minerals, vitamins and carotenoids, which improve overall health and fights harmful diseases. Every piece of ash gourd fruit (around 100 grams in weight) contains 96% water and the following ingredients.
● 3.96 grams of carbohydrates
● 12 grams of protein
● 2.9 grams of fiber
● 0.6 mg of zinc
● 30 mg of calcium
● 11.8 mg of iron
● 0.04 mg of vitamin B1
● 0.145 mg of vitamin B2
● 0.530 mg of vitamin B3
● 0.176 mg of vitamin B5
● 0.046 mg of vitamin B6, and
● 17.2 mg of vitamin C
Not only does it produce good bacteria or prebiotics in the stomach but also helps with acidity, inflammation, detox and reducing blood glucose levels, making it the perfect drink for diabetic patients.

Benefits of Ash Gourd Juice
Refreshment and its instant energy boost, are barely part of the list. A glass of ash gourd juice benefits the body in numerous ways. From reducing fever and building immunity to reducing anxiety and controlling blood-lipid levels, let’s discuss the potential health aids related to this fruit.
1. Treats Peptic Ulcers
As per the traditional Indian medicine Ayurveda, ash gourd fruit creates a positive effect on the digestive tract and stomach to treat peptic ulcers. These are open sores that develop inside the stomach and upper small intestine causing inflammation. Mixing the blended ash gourd pulp with water and consuming the drink on an empty stomach may act as a medicine for ulcers. It is suggested to not consume any food within three hours of consumption of this beverage.
Note: There are limited studies that prove the effectiveness of this remedy. Consult a professional dietician for better advice.
2. Increases Energy Levels
Ash gourd juice is a refreshing drink that increases energy levels while calming the nerves, right after consumption. The vitamin B3 and niacin present in ash gourd fruit work with the cells to boost metabolism and reduce fatigue. It is suggested in the diet of anemic patients to restore their lost energy levels and aid in blood formation. A glass of fresh ash gourd pulp blended with ice and mint juice on a summer afternoon. That sounds like heaven.
3. Anticoagulant Properties
Are you thinking how much ash gourd juice to drink daily? Ash gourd is rich in anticoagulant properties that can replace blood-thinning drugs after a suggested amount of consumption daily. The coagulant is a condition where the person comes at a risk of developing blood clots that block the blood vessels causing a slower flow of blood in the body. Ash gourd infused-water may help to reduce the development of blood clots, whereas ash gourd juice benefits might be helpful in the thickening of the blood.
This juice can also reduce excessive internal bleeding and regular nosebleeds by transporting essential nutrients through the vessels.
Other Benefits of Ash Gourd Juice
1. Helps in weight loss
Each glass of ash gourd juice is low on calories with a minimum amount of carbohydrates and zero fat, which can aid in speedy weight loss. When consumed twice a day regularly, this juice might reduce hunger to some extent. The dietary fibre in ash gourd fruit might decrease lipid levels and serum cholesterol to cut body fat.
2. Helps with diabetes
Ash gourd is 100% safe to be consumed by diabetic patients because it does not contain sugar and fats. It is delicious even without sugar. With its nutrient profile and anti-diabetic properties, ash gourd juice benefits might prove effective to reduce blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes.
3. Reduces premature ageing
The ingredients present in ash gourd juice including antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals help the skin fight signs of premature aging caused by pollution and environmental stress. Antioxidants are present in the seeds, pulp, and peel of the fruit. When blended and applied as a face mask, this fruit might reduce free radical damage that causes wrinkles and fine lines.
The vitamin C present in the pulp of ash gourd makes the skin bright by reducing dullness and dark spots. Grab a glass now!
4. Improves digestion
This winter melon is a blessing for people struggling with digestive problems. The human body needs 30 grams of fibre every day to perform digestion. About 100 ml of ash gourd juice completes 3% of the daily fibre requirement of the body while relieving constipation and neutralising pH levels to reduce acidity in the stomach.
5. Builds immunity
Ash gourd is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, flavonoids and vitamin C, which makes it a powerful detoxifier. A glass of ash gourd juice can absorb all the toxins and contamination from the blood, thus providing a boost in immunity. It has been consumed as a medicine for fever, cough, sinusitis and cold in south Indian households for ages.
6. Promotes healthy hair growth
Ash gourd juice benefits, when diluted with coconut water, might prove super effective for the growth of healthier and stronger hair. Applying ash gourd pulp as a hair mask provides nourishment to the roots and lengths to reveal smooth, shiny and dandruff-free hair.
7. Cures brain-related illness
Ash gourd has been proven beneficial to cure brain-related diseases like insanity, panic attacks and seizures.
Now that you know how much ash gourd juice to drink daily, you can plan your consumption.

Uses of Ash Gourd Juice
Even though the uses are not scientifically proven, they have been trusted by the age-old Indian health science of ayurveda. Read to know the uses of ash gourd juice benefits.
1. It may be used to reverse the effect of food poisoning and dysuria (painful urination).
2. It can be used as an antacid to control the acidic levels built by sodas and fried food.
3. It may be used as a laxative to relieve constipation.
4. It may help to fulfill iron deficiency in an anemic patient.
5. When mixed with ghee (clarified butter), it might help with vocal-related problems.
6. It might be an effective remedy for treating baldness.
If one does not wish to drink ash gourd juice, one can try the following recipes with ash gourd fruit.
1. Cook it with meat and spices
2. Add it to stews
3. Use it to prepare jams, candies, drinks and ice cream
4. Deep fry the peel to consume it as a snack
How to Make Ash Gourd Juice
Wondering how to make ash gourd juice? If yes, then we got you covered. The recipe to make this cool and refreshing drink is super easy with only two ingredients - ash gourd fruit and water. Follow the step-by-step guide without missing any part.
Step 1: Wash the ash gourd fruit to remove dirt or build-up.
Step 2: Cut it into two parts and remove all the seeds (the seeds can be used to prepare oil or face masks).
Step 3: Remove the peel and cut the fruit into pieces (½ inches per piece).
Step 4: In a blender, add the chopped ash gourd and water (500 grams of ash gourd will go with a glass and a half of water).
Step 5: Blend the ingredients for three to four minutes or until they form a smooth juice with no residue.
Step 6: Strain the juice in a glass, mix it with chia seeds (optional) and enjoy!
Now that you know how to make ash gourd juice, make it a regular habit to consume it daily.
Ash gourd juice benefits are considered healthy and safe when consumed in small quantities. It is prohibited for patients with kidney stones and pregnant women. They also contain anti-nutritional ingredients like phytates and oxalates that hinder the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. However, now that you know how much ash gourd juice to drink daily, you can buy ash gourd as per the required quantity.
Who should not consume ash gourd juice?
This juice has a cooling effect hence it shall not be consumed by people with bronchitis and asthma.
How much ash gourd juice to drink daily?
A person can drink around 50 to 60 ml or one small glass of ash gourd juice every day.
Can ash gourds be poisonous?
Ash gourds contain many vital minerals. Excessive consumption of ash gourd can increase the levels of these elements in the body.
What is the alternative to ash gourd juice?
Coconut water, celery juice, cucumber water, bottled gourd juice or spinach smoothie are a few alternatives to ash gourd juice.
Can we drink ash gourd juice in winter?
Ash gourd juice can be consumed within 15 minutes of preparation or else it will lose all its nutritional value. It can be consumed throughout the year.