Raise your hand if you’ve ever needed an emergency sanitary napkin and a woman you have never met came to your rescue? If that’s a resonating yes, then it’s time to pay it forward. Here are five essential items you can carry on you to make life easier for the women around you.
1. Tampons or pads
First up, tampons or pads. Periods happen, and sometimes they come at the most inconvenient time. Having an extra tampon or pad in your purse can be a lifesaver for a friend in need. So, don't forget to throw an extra one into your purse.

2. Painkillers
Headaches, cramps, and other aches and pains can strike at any time. Carrying a small packet of painkillers like Aspirin or Ibuprofen can be a lifesaver for someone experiencing discomfort.
3. Scrunchies or hair ties
We know how valuable a spare hair tie or clip can be. Whether you need to tie your hair back for work, a workout, an auto ride or anything else, hair ties are always welcome.

4. Energy bars and chocolates
If you have a friend or family member who experiences low blood pressure, remember to carry energy bars or chocolate, as they can be a lifesaver, quite literally. These snacks can give them a quick energy boost and help prevent fainting or dizziness.

5. Safety pins
Safety pins are another item that can unexpectedly come in handy. They can be used to fix a broken strap, secure a hem, or even hold up a loose skirt. Keeping a few safety pins will help in most fashion emergencies.

6. Pepper spray
Pepper spray is an item that many women feel comfortable carrying around for self-defence. It's always better to be safe than sorry, and having pepper spray on hand can give you peace of mind when walking alone at night or in any other potentially dangerous situations.

7. Band Aid
If you're breaking in a new pair of shoes, you know how painful shoe bites can be. A band aid in your bag can be used for this and other minor cuts and scrapes, as well.