You pass on more than DNA to your children as a parent. Your children will pick up on both good and negative habits from you. Show your children that you care about them by offering some health tips that they'll remember long after you're gone.

1. Colourful Diet
Eating foods of various hues isn't just pleasant; it's also good for your health. Assist your children in comprehending the nutritional benefits of including a rainbow of bright foods in their daily diet.
This isn't to say that every meal should be multi-coloured. However, you should make an effort to include a variety of fruits and vegetables of various colours in their diet. Allow for a wide range of colours, from red, blue, and orange to yellow, green, and white.

2. The First Meal Is Important
Instilling a routine of regular mealtimes in your children as a child can make it more probable that they will retain this healthy practice as adults. Teach them that with a good breakfast, their intellect and energies are reactivated, which helps them stay healthy and prevent chronic disorders.
Obesity is four times more likely if you don't have breakfast, according to Harvard Medical School. Some easy and healthy breakfast options include overnight oats, besan ka cheela, and eggs.

3. Make Activities Fun
Sports aren't for everyone. Some people fear going to the gym. Staying healthy and active becomes simple if kids witness you being active and find physical activities they enjoy.
They are quite likely to continue to enjoy these hobbies as adults.
Encourage your child to keep trying new sports and be active with them if they haven't found their niche yet. Allow children to participate in a variety of physical activities, such as swimming, archery, or gymnastics. They'll almost certainly find something they enjoy.

4. Keep The Movement Going
Get the kids and yourself off the couch and outside. According to the Mayo Clinic, children who watch more than an hour or two of television every day are at risk for a variety of health issues, including poor school performance behavioural issues, such as emotional and social problems, and attention disorders obesity or being overweight irregular sleep, such as difficulty falling asleep and fighting bedtime, and lesser time to play.
Also Read: 10 Ways To Motivate Your Girl Child To Be Physically Active

5. Reading
Strong reading abilities are critical for your child's future success in school and employment.
It is suggested that you incorporate reading into your child's playtime and bedtime rituals. Choose books that your children enjoy so that reading becomes a pleasure rather than a job for them.

6. Drink Water
You can keep the message uncomplicated. Water is good for you. Soft drinks are bad for you. You can assist your children to comprehend the principles of why too much sugar is unhealthy for them, even if they don't understand all of the reasons.
It is well known that sugar in soft drinks has no nutrition. It also adds calories, which might contribute to weight gain. Water, on the other hand, is an essential resource without which mankind would perish.

7. Look At (Food) Labels
Your children, particularly preteens and teens, may be concerned about clothing labels. Demonstrate to them that there is a different form of label that is more vital for their health: the food nutrition label.
Demonstrate to children how the labels on their favourite packaged items contain important nutritional information.
Focus on a few crucial components of the label to avoid overloading them, such as the amount per serving of:
• Sugar content
• Saturated fats and trans fats
• Calories

8. Family Dinners
With busy family schedules, it's difficult to find time to sit down and share a meal. But it's worthwhile to give it a shot.
Enjoying a family meal means:
• Family ties are becoming stronger
• Children are happier and more well-adjusted
• Everyone consumes more nutrient-dense foods

9. Make Time For Friends
Friendships are critical for school-aged children's healthy development. Playing with their peers teaches them important social skills including communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Having friends can also affect their academic success.
Encourage your children to form a range of friendships and to play with their peers regularly. It will provide them with life skills that they will be able to use for many years to come.

10. Stay Positive
When things don't go their way, it's natural for kids to become discouraged. Show kids the value of keeping positive when they face setbacks to help them acquire resilience. Positive thinking and excellent relationships can benefit both children and adults.
Teach your children that they are lovable, capable, and unique, no matter what problems they face, to help them build good self-esteem and a positive outlook.
Also Read: How To Build Your Child's Self-Confidence