Let’s face it, we’ve all had our fair share of arguments, especially when it comes to our significant other. Whether it is something small like picking up after themselves, to something more profound, such as where the relationship is headed, one will agree that no matter how perfect a relationship may be, it’s not without its ups and downs. Everybody makes mistake; to err is human, after all. But, what actually matters is what we do to make up for those indiscretions. Now, it doesn’t always have to be grand gestures of love, but more like small, meaningful actions that show your partner you care. Here are three steps to offering a sincere apology after a big fight.
Step 1: Say it, mean it

The first step to offering an apology, is to actually say the words, “I am sorry”, and mean it. Saying sorry does not mean you admit defeat; it shows that you care about the impact your words and actions have had on your partner, and that you are indeed remorseful. Try to explain what made you apologise, where you felt you went wrong, and be mindful to not pin the blame on your partner.
Step 2: Reason it out

Owning up to your mistakes shows your partner that you take full responsibility for your actions. Sulking in private rarely helps the situation, so it is advisable to speak to your partner about why things played out the way they did, and how it made you feel. It is also important to note that empathising with the person who is hurt can go a long way. One might be very tempted to justify their actions, but at this point, it is best to leave that bit out. Rather, focus on the fact that your action had a certain impact you did not intend it to.
Step 3: Fix it with love

Yes, making up after a fight in a relationship may not be an easy task, but it is important. How you choose to make things right depends on you and your partner. It could be as simple as a hug, or planning a special time out with your partner, but most importantly, it is making sure the mistakes are not repeated. When you promise to do something, try and deliver on your word. And when it doubt, talk it out and see how both of you can get through the problem together.