India’s exceptional performance at the ongoing Shooting World Cup continues as Chinki Yadav, Rahi Sarnobat, and Manu Bhaker bagged Gold, Silver and Bronze in the 25m pistol event. With this development, India is at the top of the medal tally with 19 medals so far of which nine are gold, five are silver, and five, bronze.
Yadav added ninth gold medal to India’s kitty, while Sarnobat bagged the fifth silver for the nation.
You may recall, on March 21, Bhaker, Yashaswini Singh Deswal and Shri Nivetha Paramanantham made the nation proud after they beat their Polish opponents to bring home Gold at the women’s 10m Air Pistol event at the ongoing ISSF Shooting World Cup 2021.
In the women’s air rifle event, Team India, which included Nisha Kanwar, Shriyanka Shadangi, and Apurvi Chandela finished fourth, tallying a score of 623.7. In this event, Poland won the bronze medal with 624.1, silver went to Denmark with their score of 625.9, while USA bagged gold in the with a score 627.3.
India’s Aishwary Pratap Singh Tomar, Deepak Kumar, and Pankaj Kumar played to bring home silver medal in the men’s team air rifle event. The team fired a total of 14 in the finals to finish behind USA’s Lucas Kozeniesky, William Shaner, and Timothy Sherry who scored 625.1. Team India totalled 623.4 winning silver, while South Korea scored 621.2 to win bronze.