Wealth management firm Epsilon Money recently conducted a survey which indicates their preference of saving under traditional options. Roughly 60 per cent of female investors prefer investing under traditional options because of the safety and liquidity associated with it. Various factors are linked to this attitude, including the fact that the market tends to look risky and returns are not guaranteed. Women are more risk-aversive and since they have less leisure time, they are unable to research on newer investment options.
The survey tells us that 44 per cent of women investors make their own financial decisions and that for them, self-security is the main motive behind their investments. 56 per cent seek advice before making any financial decision.
In every household, women play a major role in saving money. India is known for being a saving economy, due to its high savings rate and culture. Encouraging women and providing tools and resources to make informed investment decisions can promote a culture of financial literacy, and increase the overall participation of women in the economy.