Luxury fashion house Valentino has announced the launch of its very first line of colour cosmetics. The makeup collection will be presented at Selfridges, London on May 31, after which it will be available for pre-order in the United Stated starting June 1. This will be followed by a worldwide launch beginning in August 2021.
The brand will be joining the likes of fellow luxury brands Gucci and Hermès, who have had successful beauty launches themselves in recent times. While it remains the last of the few luxury houses that didn’t have makeup lines under their kitty, the Italian fashion house isn’t a stranger to the business of beauty. Under Valentino Beauty, the brand already has a line of fragrances.
Adding to its beauty business, the makeup collection will include lipsticks, mini lipsticks, foundations, a signature clutch along with lipstick refills. The foundation will be available in a whopping 40 shades and the lipsticks will be available in 50 shades. If that didn’t instantly spell inclusivity, the makeup line’s campaign will feature 16 men and women which will be a mix of models as well as non-models.
The products will be priced between $30 to $64, with the signature clutch retailing at $235. “I wanted everyone to have the possibility to play with our products, matching not only their skin but also their emotions,” the brand’s creative director, Pierpaolo Piccioli, said during a press preview which was held virtually last week.
Image Source: Twitter/graziatweets