Indian designer duo Shivan and Narresh recently unveiled their new collection, Camoheart, a line of swimwear and resortwear pieces featuring a new digital-style camo print. The swimwear pieces from the collection are made using polyester recycled from ocean waste, while other pieces of the collection are made using hand-knitted fabric.
The label, known most for its eccentric yet unique prints, has successfully included the use of sustainable materials, by giving plastic ocean waste a new life as well as traditional fabric crafts to create Camoheart. The knit fabrics used in the collection were made using handmade looms as opposed to industrial looms, thus limiting energy consumption as well as waste. In a statement about the use of the traditional production method, Narresh Kukreja, Creative Director of the label said, “This has not only helped us support and revive the dying hand-knitting art form of India but also become a lot more sustainable in our production chain. We can now create our own product directly from the primary stage of the yarn and eliminate additional processes of first sourcing the fabric and then manufacturing the product, which leads to a lot of industrial wastage.”
The line includes swimsuits, overlays, jumpsuits, scarfs, knit dresses as well as puffer jackets, catering to the resortwear category that they are known to focus on.
Image Source: Instagram/shivanandnarresh