This is a trying time for India as it has logged over three lakh cases as of April 21, 2021. Amidst the crisis, various states across the country have imposed lockdowns/strict curbs to keep the rising cases in check, and Chhattisgarh is one of them. Under the circumstances, a video of a pregnant DSP of Dantewada, Shilpa Sahu, ensuring the citizens follow lockdown rules has won praise on social media.
“I have been taking rounds ever since lockdown was imposed in Dantewada this week. It is only in the initial days that you need to go out and check if people are stepping out…that too at a particular time of the day….when you explain once or twice people also realise and enforcement happens,” Sahu told News18 exclusively.
Talking about the challenges she faces, and how she tackles them, she further said, “Main to department mein hun par bachcha to department mein nahin hai (laughs)...usko dhyan mein rakhte hue mask waigarah lagakar hum door se samjhate hain logon ko (I am in the department but the child is not in the workforce. Keeping it in mind, I wear mask and take other precautions and instruct people from afar). That is why I keep a lathi also…to use it to keep people at a distance.”
Sahu’s photos went viral after Addl Transport commissioner, Dipanshu Kabra, shared them on his Twitter account, and users started commenting on them.
*Photo credit: Screenshots of the viral video