Do you often look at your reflection in the mirror and wince, unhappy with your body? Well, you are not alone, and we all have days when we don’t feel good about our bodies. It is important to remember that a positive body image can help improve your overall well-being and self-esteem. Her Circle lists 10 tips to be more body positive. By incorporating these tips into your daily life, you can cultivate a more positive attitude toward your body, and feel more confident and content with your unique features. Remember to be patient with yourself, and don’t hesitate to seek support from others if you need it.
1. Stick some positive notes on your mirror
When you stand in front of the mirror, you tend to feel the worst about yourself. So try putting up some positive messages like "I have a healthy body", or "You're beautiful" to encourage self-love.
2. Ditch your weighing scale
If you weigh yourself too often, you must stop! Your weight will not vary on a daily basis, and might just make you feel bad about yourself and your efforts. Remember, the number on the scale doesn't define you or your worth.

3. Take compliments like a boss
Every time someone compliments you, don’t deflect it, just embrace it. You absolutely deserve it and do not downplay it by saying "Thank you, but..." -- just say "Thank you" and own it!
4. Get rid of clothes that don't fit
Stop torturing yourself by holding onto clothes that no longer fit. This is the worst way to make yourself feel bad about your body shape and size. Not only do you waste a lot of time trying to fit into your old clothes, but it also takes a mental toll on your well-being. Donate them and buy clothes that make you feel gorgeous.

5. Be kind to yourself
Avoid saying anything mean to or about yourself. Make a note that if you will not say those negative things to your friend, then you won’t say it to yourself either. Stop being self-critical and treat yourself with kindness.
6. Don't compare yourself to others
Comparison is the thief of joy. Embrace your body as it is right now and don't worry about what anyone else looks like or how you looked in the past. Learn to be content and happy in your current body, rather than comparing yourself to others or your past self.
7. Don't untag yourself in photos
There are times when your friends post pictures of you that you may not love. Do not freak out. Learn to accept what you look like in every situation; it's okay to not look "perfect" in every photo.

8. Connect with others who share your body positivity journey
Join online communities or attend in-person events where you can connect with others who are also working on body positivity. Spend time with people who uplift and support you, and seek out body-positive media and messaging.
9. Create a gratitude journal
Write down things you’re grateful for about your body, and revisit this journal whenever you need a reminder.
10. List out what you love about yourself
Make a list of the top 10 things that you love about yourself, and make sure they have nothing to do with your weight or physical appearance. Read this list often and keep adding to it, as you discover more things that make you awesome.
Remember, you got this!