Want to fall in love with your wardrobe? These easy tips will convince you that your current wardrobe is exactly what you need to cherish and value when it comes to your style game!
Wardrobe Arrangements
Consider re-arranging your wardrobe every few months. This will make sure you chance upon some of those pieces that get pushed to the back of your wardrobe seasonally and gives you the opportunity to give them a chance to shine!

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Don’t Compare
Is social media making you think your wardrobe isn’t enough for you? It’s a sign you need to stop comparing right away! Especially when it comes to trends and fads, you may just pass your phase of wanting a certain garment or style.
Cherish, Value & Repair
When you feel like throwing away a certain garment or outfit, try to remember why you bought it in the first place. Was it the fit? The style? Or maybe the colour? Some of these may still resonate with you, giving you a fresh take on the outfit and how you can style it. It’s important to cherish and value your garments however old they might be, to truly love your wardrobe. A few fixes here and there could truly give new life to pieces like you never expected.

Image used for representational purposes only.
Surprise Pairings
Dig out your less frequently worn pieces and try experimenting with them. Give surprise pairings a chance, giving different colour combinations or print play a chance. Even older pieces, be it clothes or accessories can give an unexpected fresh touch to a newer outfit. Given that fashion is cyclical, you may be surprised about how well some of your older pieces may go with your personal style as well as current styles.
Onto The Next One
Once you have decided a piece has definitely surpassed your current personal style, or you have grown out of it, try to give it an equally loving owner. Consider passing your clothes on to someone who would like to wear the pieces or maybe style them better!