Moving in with your partner can seem like an exciting start to a new journey. After all, you get to spend a major part of your time together, plan out activities, and just get to live with your favourite person under the same roof. However, one thing we often don’t account for is how we live. Every individual has their specific needs, the way they want things in and around the house, and so on. It can get challenging to live a healthy lifestyle with two people in the home. Your needs double up, so do your utilities and belongings, and sometimes, it can be quite a mess.
At some point, the chances of having a common ground increases, where you and partner can agree or work something out. If you’re someone who believes in sustainable living, and want to involve your partner in your lifestyle, here’s how you can introduce and talk about having a sustainable lifestyle with them.
1. Talk The Talk

Communication is key in any and every relationship. In this scenario too, instead of directly telling your partner what to do, talk to them about the lifestyle you’re aiming for and how they can help. Discuss sustainability and its advantages with your partner, but don't pressure them to embrace it. Share the value of a low-waste lifestyle, explain why you're passionate about it, and inspire them to give it a try.
2. Set A Simple System

Taking small, easy steps can help both of you adopt the sustainable lifestyle in a smooth manner. Start with simple replacements, such as replacing a plastic cup with a reusable cup or mug. Carry your own cloth bags from home when you go shopping, whether it’s some retail therapy or groceries. These small changes will not only be easy to follow, but will also help you come up with more sustainable practices in the future.
3. Ease Your Partner Into This Lifestyle

Living a sustainable lifestyle suddenly, when you’ve lived a particular way all your life, can be challenging. So it is important that you support your partner if they’ve decided to make the change. Help them out wherever they struggle, and support them through the transition period. As they ease into the process, you both will be able to partake in more sustainable practices together.
4. Responsible Gifting

When an occasion arises to gift your partner something, how about you show them you care about both them and the environment? You can opt for gifts that are eco-friendly, for example, cruelty-free make-up or self-care products. You can also gift them something handmade, which not only feels intimate, but also helps save the environment.
5. Persevere, Don’t Punish

Sustainable behaviours do not form overnight, no matter how diligently you and your partner follow the sustainability guidelines. Often you choose quick fashion over ethical clothing if it catches your eye and is light on the pockets, and other times your companion brings you plastic bags from the stores if they didn’t have any of their own. As a result, leave space for mistakes and ensure that it does not happen again. These small setbacks can always be used as a stepping stone.