There are two kinds of people. One, who discard old pairs of clothing and make way for new ones, and the other are hoarders. Be it jeans, shirts, bags or accessories; you may never wear them, but getting rid of them is not an option. If you are in the latter category, and have lost count on the number of jeans you own, repurposing them will make them look brand new.
Here are some ideas.

Patch work jeans never go out of trend, and can bring your old ones to life instantly. All you need is a little patience, and your favourite fabric which can be sewed on the denim. You are set to turn heads!

If most of your jeans are plain, why not give a few a distressed look? Get your hands on some sandpaper, and rub the areas where you are looking for a distressed finish. While doing so, make sure you rub in the direction of the threads as it gives it the perfect washed out look. Sandpaper is safer than scissors or blades, so it makes for a perfect DIY.

No matter the style of your denim, crotchet is best to add a feminine touch to those ignored pair of pants. Choose a lace that you think will complement your jeans, cut it in the shape of your pocket, and simply stick it using a fabric glue. You can even choose to sew the lace along the length of the pocket, and voila, say hello to brand new addition to your jeans.

Don’t adore that loose fit around the ankle, but not keen on getting rid of them? Here’s what you can do. Cut the extra bit, and fold the fabric to achieve a perfect fit. To take things up a notch, stick silver studs around the edge. You just made yourself a new pair of jeans!