For me, being online is a part of my job description. This makes it very difficult for me to switch off from social media and more often than not, I do end up doom-scrolling. If you fall into the same category, here’s a suggestion that helped me: Making my Instagram a happier place. Choosing who I follow makes me feel differently about social media and I actually enjoy using the apps more than I did before. Nothing replaces a good heart to heart with a friend or a therapy session with a professional, but following experts who discuss mental health struggles without making them feel like…well struggles, may help. Here are five experts on Instagram who make understanding mental health a whole lot easier.
Sonali Gupta

A clinical psychologist and author, Gupta works with client concerns like anxiety, depression, work-life balance, grief, and trauma, as well as preventative measures like learned optimism and compassion building. Her frank advice is a much-needed reminder that your feelings are valid and that they matter.
Divija Bhasin

Bhasin is all about compassionately breaking down how complex mental health challenges can be broken down into bite-sized, easy-to-understand bits of information. With her reels on how mental health should be spoken about often instead of on just occasions like ‘Mental Health Day’, she attempts to normalise disorders, making her page worth a follow.
Sara Kuburic

A psychotherapist and life coach, Sara Kuburic’s page is the one you should turn to if you’re looking for some thought-provoking advice that will spark immediate self-reflection. With a focus on mindfulness, attachment styles, hard truths, and self-care, this account is just what you may need to lead a more balanced life.
Rahat Sanghvi

Sanghvi’s pastel-coloured, upfront approach to humanising humanizes and de-stigmatizes mental health is definitely worth a follow. Her content is relatable and a self-helper's dream. It is also a must-follow if you’re looking to support and understand loved ones who are struggling.
Bhavya Kulshreshtha

Kulshreshtha is on a mission to reduce the stigma associated with mental illnesses and always has a refreshing, no-nonsense take on issues like feeling triggered and emotional childhood neglect. These aren’t topics that we’ve seen being covered often so trust me, you don’t want to miss her live sessions, posts, or videos.